‘Bond King’ Bill Gross bought a ‘BONDS 1’ license plate to impress his boss—but dumped it when people kept asking...
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The King and I
46 Years of Investment Outlooks, Musings, And 'Commonsensical' Thoughts From Bond King Bill Gross Kindle
By Bill Gross
A combination of wit, wisdom and personal anecdotes, “Bond King” Bill Gross’s Investment Outlooks have been eagerly anticipated by investors since he first started writing them in the 1970’s after co-founding what became the Pimco bond trading powerhouse. Described as “quirky,” a “distinct voice,” “wildly unscripted,” and, by his own words, “a little zany,” the irreverent and highly personalized Outlooks have been anything but dull. Gross has used the Investment Outlooks to share some of his home life, personality quirks (not a fan of Christmas parties), but mostly to provide insights from one of the greatest investment minds of his generation.